Forest collaborates with The Big Draw

28 May 2020
Forest of Imagination and The Big Green Draw Join Forces
Forest of Imagination and The Big Green Draw join forces during the pandemic to shine a light on the importance of nature and creativity in our wellbeing.
Harnessing the power of their collective message, and to promote the importance of creativity and collaboration; Forest of Imagination will work alongside The Big Green Draw, supporting a shared vision in response to the climate emergency, endorsing the positive viewpoint that a ‘Climate of Change’ is essential using creativity as a tool for change.
Working together the two organisations will harness creativity in its myriad forms, sharing a common belief that access to the natural world and green space is a fundamental right for all. Encouraging both audiences to connect with the natural world: to discover the magic, majesty and inspiration that exists within nature, providing us with a source of our identity and connection.
Local and international artists will bring a collection of videos, interviews, news and blogposts to support the importance of creativity, drawing and making to a broader audience.
The shared work will see both organisations reaching out to work with artists and organisations, encouraging them to respond to the climate crisis, through at-home re-invention, making, drawing, singing, writing and many other forms of expression. To further distribute their message of a ‘Climate of Change’ by building a radical and creative response together.
Dr Penny Hay, co-founder at Forest of Imagination said: “This is a a wonderful and creative collaboration with big themes and key messages in response to the climate emergency – it is an invitation for everyone to get involved in a conversation about our collective imagination and how we can work together to make a difference”.