Forest Fosters Democratic Learning between Industry, Students & Disciplines

26 Jun 2017
Forest of Imagination believes that learning and education should be participatory, empowering and democratic, which is why collaboration is encouraged and propagated between different industries, businesses, students, schools, leaders, pupils and artists.
The BookyBall is a structure that has been designed and built by a collaboration between students from the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering at the University of Bath, alongside architects from Bath-based, architectural and urban design practice, FCB Studios, engineering consultants and specialists, Buro Happold and Bath University Teaching Fellow, Toby Lewis BSC MA RIBA.
The brief given was to create a series of four unique, bespoke installations that will be each be used as Houses of Imagination, housing an artist and workshop.
The BookyBall was created as a House of imagination for a bookmaker. Taking the form of a fragmented geodesic dome which uses lengths of local timber and reclaimed fabric to enclose and cover a space for bookmaking workshops.
Diana, an architect and engineering student from the University of Bath, explained how she found the experience:
“We were inspired by the idea of the shelter and by the organic shapes of the surrounding lanscape. In the natural realm it is often common to find complex shapes made out of a repetitive module and we really wanted to incorporate this aspect into our design.
“Forest of Imagination has been a wonderful opportunity to rediscover the creative side within each person, which is often lost among adults. The interplay between adults and children enhances this re-discovery in a breath taking natural landscape.”
Diana, who is studying in the UK from Italy, described how important it felt for her, and her fellow students, to participate in this unique experience:
“I am continuously learning something from each member of the group as well as understanding key issues about timber construction by experiencing them directly. It is very rewarding because everyone is working together to achieve something which can be both beautiful and useful.
“I think it is crucial to create opportunities of this kind in order for people to learn about the natural realm. This is the only way for them to respect it and to protect it. By doing this in a creative environment both children and adults can enjoy the beauty of nature whilst having fun.”
This year’s Forest of Imagination will connect people to nature in a variety of wild and imaginative ways. Forest is open from June 30th until July 2nd from 10am to 6pm every day. Forest of Imagination is free to all.
For directions to Forest check here.